June 27, 2012

Jeffery Campbell

J e f f e r y   C a m p b e l l 

Ever since discovering the Jeffery Campbell Shoes, I have tried my best to not spend money on anything (ANYTHING) unimportant until I save up enough money to purchase myself a pair of JC shoes. They are unbelievably amazing. They look so hardcore and not at all mainstream. If you don't already know, I am a shoeholic. I am obsessed with shoes! I was looking through tumblr during an oddly gloomy Summer afternoon when I see a pair of black heels called "Litas." As soon as my eyes sees the image of this beautiful object, the skies begin to clear and the bright sun shined through the window and unto the computer and suddenly, I hear this voice whispering to me over and over again saying "Buy me. Buy me. Buy me!" I'm just kidding!! That didn't happen at all. Except for the "discovering it in tumblr" part. Honestly, if all that happened, I would be terrified. Anyways, here's a couple pictures of the items from their collection and let the shoes speak for themselves. 

(via solestruck.com)

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